Thanks to our Amazing Donors  & Supporters

 Gracias a Nuestros Benefactores


Ed and Beatriz Schweitzer

The Sisters of St. Joseph

The McCaskey Family

Walter Hansen

Sal Cervantes

Robert Seebeck

Evelina Snell

PayPal Giving Fund

Ian & Concepcion Robertson

Herminio and Vivian Cardona

A. Gabriel Esteban

Rev. Joseph Mulcrone

Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange

Howard Rosenblum

Mariel Álvarez Cortés

Familia Manero Soto

Raúl de la Parra

Aneli y Paco Calleja

Roxanne Berenfeld

Jose Manuel Soto Velasco

RoseMarie Carsello

Belem Rivas  y Alfredo Olavarría 

Notre Dame Mexico  Alumni Club

Amazon Smile

St. Francis Borgia Deaf Center

Fred Lewis Foundation 

Our Friends and  Supporters

(Secretary for Relations States within the Holy See's Secretariat of State)
(Prefect of the Dicastery for the Promotion if Integral Human Development)
(President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion for the New Evangelisation)
(Archbishop of Chicago)
(Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese of Liverpool)
(Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Culture)
(Segretario particolare dell ' Presidente Pontificio Consiglio Per la Promozione della Nuova Evangelizzazione)
(Responsabile Amministrativo Musei Vaticani)
(Segretario Generale Patristic Institute Augustinianum)
(Responsabile del settore Catechesi per i disabili della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana)
(Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith)
(Official of the Pontifical Council for Culture)
(Sotto Segretario del Pontificio Consiglio della Giustizia della Pace)
(Musei Vaticani Ufficio Servizi e bapporti con il Pubblico) 
(Dicasterium and Integram Humanam Progressionem Fovendam)
(Dicasterium and Integram Humanam Progressionem Fovendam, Health Care Researcher)
(National Association of the Deaf,  President)
(Dicastery for Laity Family and Life)
(Tejido de telar de cintura, Oaxaca Mexico)
(DCYIA Friends)
(Kiasso Turismo Internazionale per Sordi Onlus)
(Walter Hansen and Assoc.)
(Incentivos y Convenciones, S:A)
(Párraco de San Bartolo Coyotepec, Oaxaca)
(Primer Contacto Paramédicos) 
(Scorby Travel)
(Café Il Pioppeto)